A Beautiful Time Together
At The RLC Christmas Service
Thank you to all who participated in
making this a memorable service.

The Prophetic and The Return of Jesus
Do you want Biblical proof of a physical rapture
of the church? Listen to this series and read
the words of Jesus and how He compared His
return to a Galilean Wedding.
Watch the series on our Facebook page or click on the
Sermon tab on our website to hear
the audio version of the series.
In Loving Memory of
Two beautiful ladies who lived their lives dedicated to serving God
as a loving mother, wife, grandmother, and friend.
Lorraine Swope
(Mother of Ed, Donna, Cynthia and Katerina)
Sept. 2, 1933- July 18, 2023
Betty Jean Neal
(Mother of Pastor Dave, Douglas and Donald)
February 3, 1936 - July 29, 2024