'Life' Thoughts
by Pastor Dave

Dealing with Discomfort
When we think of being uncomfortable or in discomfort several scenarios may come to mind. There is, something that every person
must deal with from time to time, physical discomfort. We are never more aware of our little toe and the power it holds over us
than in the few seconds immediately after we have slammed it into the corner of a dresser while trying to navigate a dark bedroom
in our bare feet.
There is emotional discomfort. That awkward moment when a teenage boy ends up sitting next to the girl he broke up with so that he
could date her friend. Or sitting in your boss’s outer office knowing that the hammer is about to fall for something you did - or worse,
didn’t do. There is also the deep discomfort felt in a home where a husband and wife are not speaking to each other because of
hurtful words that were spoken or actions that resulted in a broken trust.
There is also spiritual discomfort. We may call it by another name but the cause and the source are the same, the urging and
conviction of the Holy Spirit when we are doing something we should not, acting in a way that is hurtful to others, or living life in a
way that is contrary to the Word of God. There is no medication or therapy, no words of apology or time spent in tears that will
soothe this pain. It is only through heart-felt repentance and contrition of the heart that brings relief.
Is there a common ground of dealing with these times of discomfort that will enable us to heal, make it out to the other side, and learn
from the experience? As with every aspect of life God, in His great love for us, wants us to live in victory through those times. Notice
I did not say that He would keep those times from coming but He does promise to be with us through them and enable us to not only
endure, but grow and become stronger, if we are willing to do the “right” things through the duration.
Billy Graham wrote, “Nowhere does the Bible teach that Christians are to be exempt from the tribulations and natural disasters that
come upon the world. It does teach that the Christian can face tribulation, crisis, calamity, and personal suffering with a supernatural
power that is not available to the person outside of Christ.” While discomfort need not raise to the point of crisis or calamity, the Bible
stills teaches the same principles to deal with whatever the issue is and whatever depth of pain it provides - principles not available to
you if you are outside of Christ.
The first step is to turn the situation over to God. I Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
All means just what it says, all! There is nothing too great or anything too small for you to give over to God. For most people it is easy
to cry out and ask God’s help in the times of great calamity and personal suffering as Dr. Graham calls them. But it is the little things,
the times of discomfort, that left unattended and within our own grasp, can grow and turn into something that becomes overwhelming.
We need to know, without any doubt, that we can cast ALL our cares and anxiety on Him.
Secondly, after we have given it over to God we must have the faith to know that He is able and desires to show us how to deal with it.
But then we must also fight the temptation to take it back again! The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah writes, “Ah, Sovereign Lord,
You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You." (Jer 32:17 –
emphasis added) This may come as a shock to some of you but God does not need your help. He does work through us and with us
in our lives but the times we often find ourselves in the most difficulty is when we have given something over to God, vowing to trust Him,
but end up doing what we want to anyway because we’re just not sure God is taking care of things the way He should. That most often
has to do with how long something is taking. Be patient! God is God and that is all we need know or believe!
Finally, after we turn it over to Him and have set our minds to have faith in Him, no matter how long it takes, we need to live that way!
By that I mean if we have faith in who God says He is and that He wants the best for us through His love, then we should live like we
really believe it! Too many Christians go through life when they’re in the midst of a time of discomfort with an expression on their face
like they just smelled something bad! No! I may not be whistling or skipping around like I don’t have a care in the world but I will not
allow Satan to drag my spirit or countenance down to the point where no one can stand to be around me! Jesus says in the Gospel
of John, “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) My responsibilities to
show His love everywhere I go do not suddenly come to a halt when I am going through a tough time. As a matter of fact there is no better
opportunity for you to demonstrate the power of God in your life to others then when you are going through a time of great challenge.
Don’t forget the Bible often says, “And it came to pass….” Your time of discomfort will pass but until it does give it over to Him, have
the faith to trust Him, and keep showing His love!